Usecase Labor Redimo

Labor Redimo is an independent consulting firm that helps their clients with use-cases related to external hiring and talent acquisition, among other things. For example, they help to determine a market rate for hiring external staff.


In order to determine the market rate, Labor Redimo uses their own advanced calculation models. The process of preparing the data from various companies as input for the calculation models depended on a number of human actions. The Datacation team was given the task to automate and optimize this data process, so that time can be saved and Labor Redimo can continue to grow.


One of the key points of the success of this project is the close collaboration between the team of Labor Redimo and that of Datacation. Through the various interactive sessions, the requirements regarding the data process quickly became clear and it was possible to arrive at the most efficient solution possible.


The Datacation team was tasked with improving the current data infrastructure. Building new data pipelines makes the data process more efficient and therefore future-proof. By implementing these pipelines, Labor Redimo saves 300 labor hours on an annual basis and the possibilities for growth are expanded.